Sunday, November 26, 2017

Fun in Colorado Springs (Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017)

Our oldest daughter was working from home today, so we had a great opportunity to meet her for lunch.  We picked up some sushi and headed down to Colorado Springs.  Our youngest daughter and her boyfriend were going to meet us there so we could all be together, even if it was for just a short time, during this family time of year.

It was a gorgeous day, with the sun shining, no wind, and temperatures in the 60's.  You certainly can't beat that in November in Colorado.  So while our daughter continued to work, the rest of us set up lunch in the back yard.

When she got to a good stopping point our oldest daughter came down and joined us, although we somehow didn't get her in any pictures at all.  And her husband was at work today, so we only got to see him for a few minutes too.  But we'll take any time with these kids that we can get!

Here's our sushi platters.  Super yummy, and nice to have a light meal the day before Thanksgiving.

After lunch our oldest daughter went back to work and our youngest daughter decided to take Albert the Adventure Cat out for a little walk, but he wasn't having any of that!

She finally decided to help him walk.  Maybe he forgot how...  He's so stubborn!

We only got to see our oldest daughter for a short while today, and her husband for an even shorter time, but we were so happy to have this time, and we will see them again tomorrow at our son (in-law's) parent's house.  They were kind enough to include us in their Thanksgiving celebration even though it is their year with the kids for Thanksgiving!  We are so lucky to have such great people in our family!

As we drove back to Denver, we enjoyed this beautiful sunset near Larkspur, Colorado.  We don't get to see beautiful sunsets like this in Colorado very often because we are so close to the mountains, but this one was spectacular!

We didn't expect to get all four of the kids together this trip, so this was a very special day!

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