Sunday, November 5, 2017

Glamis Day Three (Friday, October 27th, 2017)

The camping area has filled in a lot now!  We heard UTVs running all night, and someone in another camp played music all night, but we slept like babies for the most part. We woke up to a nice stiff breeze this morning, but as the morning went on it left us and it heated up quickly.

After breakfast, we all drove into Camp RZR to see what they had going on and get checked in for the drawings. They had about 10 items to choose from for today's drawing, so we put our ticket stub in the jar for the item we wanted, which was an audio system. We'll keep our fingers crossed!  

The parking lots were already very full when we got there.

But it didn't take us much time to get checked in. Then we walked through all of the vendors, but mostly we kept looking for shade. 

It was really hot out there today. 

They had some really nice RZRs on display.

John and Sheila came back later in the day to tell their camp story about their son.  His first time at Camp RZR was last year, when he was two weeks old, and now he is back again at the ripe old age of one year and two weeks.

They had a big trough of cold water which was awesome!  We carried a big thermos cup of ice water with us but the water ran out quickly, so it was great to be able to refill.

When we got back to camp everyone ate lunch and then some of the group went out for a ride. Steve was going to ride with John so he could get some more coaching, so I stayed back at camp. But at the last minute that didn't work and Steve ended up taking his own car, which was good as he got some more experience riding with very knowledgeable duners!

Brandon broke his drive belt on the ride.  This is a picture of John trying to pull him.

At the end of their ride they ended up at Oldsmobile Hill watching cars run and jump, so Todd, Jen and I jumped in Todd's sand car and met them there. 

We went to the top of the hill and parked with the rest of the group to watch the action on Oldsmobile Hill in the cool breeze of the afternoon.  

There are great views from the top of the hill!

John and Eric aren't very good sitters, so it wasn't long until they joined in the action, climbing the hill and jumping off the dunes.

When they got tired of jumping, they came back and sat on the hill with the rest of us.  

Just as John got comfortable, a guy broke his belt trying to get up the hill, and was stuck in the middle of the hill with chaos going on all around him.  He kept signaling for his buddies at the bottom of the hill to come help him, but no one ever came, so John (being the great mechanic and guy that he is) pulled onto the hill to help the guy out.  He had a spare belt, but he didn't really want to give it up.  So, (being the great business man that he is) John offered his belt to the guy for $200 cash on the spot, and when the guy accepted, John, (again, being the great guy that he is) helped him install it.  

By the time they were done installing the new belt, the shadows were growing long on Oldsmobile Hill.  

I rode back to camp with Steve and we all settled in for the evening. 

This was our big campfire night, so we had a chance to just relax and talk, and we even learned how to make "hot buns"... you take some coals from the camp fire and put them under your chair if you're cold.  It warms you right up from underneath.  Our friends and family in Colorado really need to try this out!

The second night we were here, Jen and I took a black light under the big tree looking for scorpions, but fairly quickly, we found ourselves a big ole snake instead, and we both came high stepping it back to the safety of the front porch!  So tonight Steve went with us, and before we found the snake again, we were able to find our scorpion. It was about 2 inches long. 

We had a great time just hanging out with everyone enjoying the fire, the music and most of all the company on this gorgeous night, on the edge of the Imperial Sand Dunes.

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