Friday, November 10, 2017

Dinner on the Channel (Friday, November 10th, 2017)

Happy Veteran's Day weekend from the London Bridge!  Today I am thinking about the veterans in my life, my dad and my son (in-law).  So humbled by their service for our country and the sacrifices they have made and are making!  Thank you!

We did a lot of work around the house today, and decided that a nice relaxing dinner would be nice.  So we invited our friends Alan and Linda to meet us at a little pizza place on the channel called Papa Leone's.  It's not a fancy place, but when the weather is this great, it is the perfect place to eat out on their patio, under a big red umbrella, with a slight breeze and a setting sun.

 The channel was so calm and peaceful!

The flags on the London Bridge were completely illuminated by the setting sun.

We sat and ate as we watched the sun set over Bridge Water Channel.  We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

We walked by the fountains in the English Village on our way back to the car.  

We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place where we can enjoy views like this all the time.  I don't think I will ever take this for granted.

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