Thursday, March 30, 2017

Boating with the Kids (Wednesday, March 29th, 2017)

It's a much better day today than it was yesterday!  The wind has calmed way down, and the temperature is up.  Yay!  That means boating day!

Our first stop was the indian reservation on the California side of the lake, to see how the new marina is coming along.  They are definitely making progress.  When it is all done, there will be a new casino built here to replace the old one.

Then into the channel.

The strong wind had died, but there was still a definite breeze, so we saw several sail boats out enjoying the day.

After about an hour, our friends Alan and Linda joined us in their big boat.

Our first stop was Copper Canyon for a quick look around.  Then we pulled into Steamboat Cover, were we saw this white heron. It's always a treat to see wildlife.

As we pulled out of Steamboat Cove, this silly bird was just standing on a rock in the middle of the lake.

We finally made our way out into the middle of the lake, where we tied together and just hung out for awhile.  It didn't take long for a couple of ducks (we call them lake rats!) to find us and climb up on Alan's boat.  Somehow, they know how much he hates them, and they know just how to torment him.

They are so friendly that he just reached out and caught the male. He let it go, but it was only a matter of minutes before they were climbing up on his boat again.  So funny!


Typical men, Alan and our son (in-law) checking out the motors.

As we headed back to the channel after a great day of boating, the kids rode with Alan, so they could really feel the speed!

A beautiful flock of birds, although I have no idea what kind.

And as we pulled in the garage at home, we were greeted by a beautiful Havasu sunset.

It's so nice to have two of our kids here with us for the week!  It just makes everything so much more fun!

Here's a quick recap of our day, compliments of our oldest daughter!

and some footage of the boat.

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