Saturday, March 11, 2017

Daytona 500 and a New Weather Station (Sunday, February 26th, 2017)

Our friends Tim and Cheryl threw a party for the Daytona 500. They had their big television in the family room on, and their little television on the back porch.  Of course, the TV in the house had a much better picture, but guess where we all hung out.  

It was a gorgeous day and a great party, with more socializing than watching.  And that's just how I like it.

When we got home from the race party, we decided to install the weather station I got for Christmas from Steve's parents. 

This looks pretty safe, doesn't it?

Once we were all done, it was perfect!

I'm so excited to track the weather down here.  It's so different from Colorado, and it will keep track even when we are not here, so when we come back, we can see what we missed!

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