Saturday, March 25, 2017

Desert Flower Update (Friday, March 24th, 2017)

It's been a little over a week since we were out in the desert looking at the wild flowers, and we really had an itch to head out into the desert again, so guess what?  I have some more flower pictures for you.  We were amazed at how much it changed in 10 days.  The sea of purple is completely gone, replaced by spots of pink, and all of the yellow flowers are different than before, but just as pretty.

The first thing we noticed when we hit the desert were the prickly pear cactus.  They are blooming now, and only had small buds last week.

And the views back toward the city weren't bad either!

Last time we were out here, the ocotillos had not even started to bloom, but this week, they all have buds on them, and some were even starting to bloom.  If you look closely, you can see the bright orange buds on the top of the ocotillo below.

This is an ocotillo bud up close.

We didn't see any quail this week, but we did see this butterfly. Kind of cool!

Now back to the ocotillo.

Mistletoe grows wild in the desert.  It's really quite ugly!

As we came over our last hill, we came out of the desert and onto the street below.  

A few more closeups from my other camera.

So much fun to just get out and see something!  We really love our desert rides!!!

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