Sunday, April 8, 2018

Wickenburg to Havasu (Wednesday, April 4th, 2018))

After a great night's sleep (because we were all exhausted from yesterday's adventures), we hit the road again to head back to Havasu.  A short jaunt on the city streets dumped us onto a spur of the Arizona Peace Trail for the first leg of our trip.

Our first excitement of the morning was a hill that was just a little too steep without enough speed.  Sam got high centered and had to be wenched off.  Easy fix! Now this is my kind of excitement!  

Sam flattened it out for the rest of us, so we all made it up without any problems. 

Then on down the Arizona Peace Trail.  We had to go through a lot of ranch land again.

So many gates!  Between the eight of us, we opened and closed 16 gates today.  No small task when you have to unharness, unplug your intercom and unplug you pumper just to get out of the car each time, and then redo it all again when you get back in.  Lucky for us, Roxanne was a GREAT sport and did a lot of the gates for us.  She only had harness to deal with.  Thanks Rox!!!

Another beautiful Joshua Tree Forest.

And back to the Wayside Inn for lunch again.  What a convenient little stop in the middle of nowhere!  

Gas too!

Then back on the road toward home!

This pointy hill is just outside of Wayside.  Sorry for the dusty picture, but that's part of RZR riding.

Shortly after leaving Wayside, we dropped down into the river bed below Alamo Lake.  

I like driving through the willows.

Then back out into the dusty silt beds.  Thank goodness for pumper helmets!

Lots of little river crossings.

An old mine.  They are everywhere out here in the desert.

Then we drove into Maggie Wash!  This is truly a paradise in the desert!

We stopped for a break in the shade of Maggie Wash.

It's a little hard to see, but I looked under Sam's car, and there was a beautiful desert lupine blooming right in the trail.

Here is a closeup picture.  So pretty!

Then back on the road for our final leg home.

A little arch off in the distance.

Our first glimpse of Lake Havasu!  We're almost home!

The Adventurous Eight after three days on the trails.

A little dirtier than when we started.

A little bit of well earned dirt......everywhere!

I guess it's time to retire Steve's driving gloves.

All together we drove 370 miles over the last three days.  We saw some beautiful sights, climbed and descended almost 7000 feet, had some great conversations, and Sam and Sharyn even saw a bob cat.  

It was a great three day ride with great friends!  We were so happy to get to know Don and Roxanne, and to spend some fun time with friends we already knew.  A huge thank you to John and Don for their trail riding experience.  We couldn't have done this trip without them.  Memories we will cherish forever!

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