Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Dale and Lynne, Bat Cave and Boat Show (Thursday, April 19th, 2018)

Our friends Dale and Lynne arrived on Wednesday night and got settled in.  We took them out to the Heat for a beer and a great view of the London Bridge at night.

On Thursday Morning we woke up to a wind day, so we decided to take a RZR ride to the Bat Cave.

The lizards were out sunning themselves today, so we got to see quite a few of them.

And some pretty desert flowers.

The bat cave is always interesting, no matter how many times we see it.

There is a hole in the Bat Cave that lets a beam of sunshine in, so Dale decided to climb up and see where it is.

It was a really fun trip to the Bat Cave, and it was fun to see so many lizards out today.

In the afternoon, Dale, Lynne and Steve all headed down to the boat show for Desert Storm Poker Run on Main Street, while I helped my friend Sharyn sell apparel at the side by side meeting.  Here are some pictures from their time at the boat show.

It sounds like they had a great time looking at all of the boats.  I was going to join them at the end of the night, but they had enough of the wind, so we invited Sam and Sharyn to join us at our house for some pizza and beer.  It was a really fun night!

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