Thursday, April 12, 2018

Kathy and Roger are in Town (Tuesday, April 10th, 2018)

My friend Kathy (whom I met at the gym in Colorado) and her husband Roger are spending time at their vacation home in Apache Wells, AZ and decided to take a side trip and come visit us!  As they were planning their trip, we told them that they should stop and play golf on their way here.  There is a beautiful course called Emerald Canyon near Parker, AZ that we thought they would enjoy.  They stopped and played on their way and said that it was a beautiful course, but definitely not an easy one.  

When they finished playing, they drove to Havasu and got checked into their hotel, then came up to the house for some snacks and beer.  Then we all headed downtown for Taco Tuesday.  

Then Wednesday was a boating day!  First stop, the London Bridge.

And the Bridge Water Channel.

Then into Copper Canyon.


Then we headed down the lake to Three Dunes for lunch and some shell gathering.

Captain Roger drove for a ways.

The sandy beaches of Three Dunes.

On our way back to the launch ramp, we stopped in Steamboat cove, where we saw a group of desert bighorn sheep.  

A yearling and the baby

When we all had enough boating, we took Roger and Kathy for a quick tour around town.  This is the site six launch ramp.

This little boy caught a nice bass while we were out here.

Then we had a wonder dinner at Cha Bones.

Thursday morning, we were going to play golf, but Kathy and Roger decided that it sounded like a lot more fun to go on a RZR ride.  So they were up at the house by 8:30 in the morning and off we went.

We made it to our destination...the Bat Cave.

We did have to take a short little hike to actually reach the cave.

Just outside the cave.

We had such a great three days with Kathy and Roger.  Kathy is one of those people that gets excited about everything, big or small, and her excitement is so contagious!  So glad they came to visit for a few day.  We hope they had as much fun as we did!

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