Monday, April 9, 2018

Weera Thai in Las Vegas (Sunday, April 9th, 2017)

One of the downfalls to living in a small town is that sometimes you have to travel to the big city to get things done. 

About two weeks ago, Steve had to upgrade his phone because the touch screen on his old phone went out, and it's REALLY hard to do anything on a cell phone without a touch screen.  So we went to Las Vegas to the Apple Store and got him a new phone.  He was really sad to see the old phone go as it had been a total trooper for the last three and a half years!!!

Today, in the middle of texting, his new phone turned off and wouldn't turn back on.  He did a hard restart on it, and still nothing, so off we went again to Las Vegas to see what was going on with his new phone.  

To make a long story short, with the I-phone 8, you no longer do a hard restart by pressing the power button and the home button at the same time, so the way Steve was trying to restart his phone no longer works.  

We learned on an I-phone 8, you now press the volume up button, then the volume down button, then hold the power button for about 20 plus seconds.  This should reset your phone and restart it.  It sure would have been nice to know this before driving clear to Las Vegas (we had stopped at our local cellular phone store and they couldn't help us), but maybe that's just too much to ask.  

As we were finishing up our marathon at the Apple Store, we texted some friends of ours (Sam and Sharon) who had recommended a Thai restaurant in Las Vegas (because they know we LOVE Thai).  We thought a nice Thai meal might be a nice end to a crazy day. 

The restaurant they had eaten at a few weeks earlier was called Weera Thai.  It is in a small strip mall on Sahara Avenue.  So we drove over to give it a try.

We arrived at about 6:50, and the restaurant was packed with six more people already in line.  We decided to sit at the bar and not take up a table for the two of us.

Weera Thai specializes in Issan food, which is from the northern region of Thailand.  The menu was extensive and had many things that Steve and I had never heard of.  So we chose a couple of entrees that we weren't familiar with to give them a try.

Steve chose from the Street Food section of the menu and ordered Kao Soy, a noodle dish.

I chose an entree called Kaeng Ho, which was a stir fry with shrimp, clear noodles and a curry sauce.

Steve's noodle dish came out first, and it was AMAZING!  It came with a small dish of pickles that you stir into the noodles just before you eat them.  We ordered the noodle dish with a heat of 2 out of 5, not knowing how spicy this restaurant serves up their food.  We ended up adding a little more spice, so next time we would order a 3 out of 5 on the heat scale.

Mine came with a side of rice and had lots of vegies and shrimp in it.

We finished Steve's noodle dish without any problem at all.  

We ended up having to take about half of mine home in a doggy bag because we were trying to save room for desert.  The waiter at the bar told us that they serve durian with sticky rice, and we really wanted to try it.

Durian is a fruit that is native to Thailand.  It is really sweet, but when cut open, it kind of smells like stinky feet.  So people either hate it (because of the smell), or love it (because of the sweet flavor).  

Steve and I really wanted to try durian when we were in Thailand, but it wasn't in season, so we never got to try it.

So we ordered the durian with sticky rice.  They have to use frozen durian because it doesn't grow in the U.S. and it can't be shipped here in it's fresh form.  Luckily, the previously frozen durian looses most of it's smell.  So we got to enjoy our durian with sticky rice without the annoying odor.

We loved the sweet flavor of the durian, and their sticky rice was so good.  

Weera Thai was definitely the best Thai food we have ever eaten outside of Thailand.  Both of our meals had the perfect combination of flavors!  We will definitely go back next time we are in Las Vegas, and will definitely order the Kao Soy again.  It was SO good!

At least we had a nice end to an otherwise crazy trip to Las Vegas.  We ended up getting home at about 11:00 pm.  Not ideal, but at least Steve's phone is working again, and we have full, happy tummies and some really yummy left overs to enjoy later.

A huge thank you to Sam and Sharyn for sharing this great restaurant with us.  We'll have to go together some time and enjoy some more great food!

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