Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Our Final Glamis Trip of the Season (Monday, February 26th, 2018)

We got a call from or friends Tony and Joyce asking us to join them for their last Glamis trip of the year.  At first we said no because we have so much going on, but then we changed our minds and decided to join them for a very short camp out.  We all left at 11:00 yesterday morning and made the three hour drive with Tony and Joyce, and their neighbors Larry and Jann.  When we got to Glamis, Tony pulled into Osbourne Overlook, where he wanted to camp, and we all got set up.  Before long we were joined by other friends Jerry and Mary, and on Monday Ken and Naomi joined us as well.

Once camp was set up, this was the view out our motor home window. The dunes were heavily used over the weekend, a little wind would sure make them better.

When we arrived on Sunday afternoon there were so many kids enjoying the dunes.  One young man offered us some blood orange slices that he was enjoying.  They were off of his friends tree, and man were they good!  Some others were blowing up toys to take out on the dunes.  It was fun to see them all having a great time!

When we weren't riding, we sat around the camp fire and enjoyed our time together.

And when we weren't sitting around the camp fire, we were out enjoying the dunes.

Us following our fearless leaders....Tony and Joyce!!!

Jerry out duning!

Jann's lovin life!

One of our Sunday rides took us to this picnic table out in the middle of nowhere.

Group photo!!!

It was a really fun place to stop.  One thing I love about Arizona is that not only do people take care of these little places they find, they actually keep making them better!

Below is a map of our rides this trip.

The red trail is the trip to the picnic table, the green and teal trails were more through the dunes.  On the teal track they made a stop at the Glamis store, but Steve forgot to mark it.  The top dot was our camp. We went about 75 miles in these three tracks.  We did other miles but they were just in the dunes around camp.

We are so glad we decided to go to the dunes after all.  It was only one night, but it was a lot of fun and Steve got his dune fix before the season comes to an end!!!

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