Sunday, February 18, 2018

Rovey's Needle and Fireworks (Friday, February 16th, 2017)

Our friends Tim and Cheryl took their motor home out to the desert this weekend for an event called Winter Blast.  

At this event, pyrotechnics companies from all over the U.S. bring their shows to demonstrate to interested companies.  It is an event that spectators can pay to watch, or if you want to watch from afar, you can just park out in the desert and watch from there.  That is what our friends were planning on doing.

As part of their camping trip, they wanted to get a RZR ride in, so Steve and I said we would take them out to Rovey's needle.  But as the ride approached, I had too much to do at home, so they ended up going without me.  But they were kind enough to share their pictures from the day with me.

Up on the hill looking over lake Havasu.  This is a fun little stop on the way to the needle.

Then on to the needle.  I really love Rovey's Needle and was sad to not get to see it again.  The honeycombs in the rock, produced by the wind are amazing!

Looking down at the RZR's from the bottom of the needle.

When their ride to the needle was done, Steve came back to the house to get me and we both headed back to the camp site.  We had a wonderful steak dinner with Tim and Cheryl, complete with baked potatoes, brown butter noodles with cheese and roasted asparagus.  Yum!

Once it was dark, we drove the RZRs up on the hill to watch the Winter Blast fire works.

It was a great show, and a beautiful evening.  We were so glad they asked us to join them for this great day!

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