Sunday, February 4, 2018

Shea Road Campout and "P" Mountain (Monday, January 29th - Wednesday, January 31st, 2018)

We've been playing a lot of golf and enjoying time with friends, but I just haven't had time to blog on it.  I'll try to do better!

We decided to go on a desert camp out with the side by side club to take some rides, enjoy the amazing weather we have been having and get to know some of the club members better.  

The camp out was at mile marker six on Shea Road, just south of Parker, AZ.  Most of the club was already here by the time we pulled in (I needed to work a bit before we could go!), so we found a little spot, kind of out by ourselves where we set up camp.  This was the view out our living room window.  Not bad!

And this was the view from our front porch as the sun set our first night.

While we were camped out on Shea Road, we took several club rides.  The first was to the Little Grand Canyon (see my post on January 30th, 2018) and the second was to a little cafe in Bouse for lunch (see my post on January 31st, 2018).

On the night of the 31st, we decided to take a night ride to the top of "P" Mountain.  It's called "P" Mountain because it has the "P" for Parker on it.  It is the mountain with all of the antennas on top, and it has views for miles in every direction.  

Our friend grew up in the area so knew it very well, so he told us he would take us in.

We drove up the paved road for a ways, then headed off on the trails toward the mountain.  Just for fun, we drove up on a big hill as we approached "P" Mountain, and over the radio we heard the leader say "there's a man".  None of us knew what he meant, so we followed him up the hill, and right on the top was a man, sitting in a lawn chair with his dog at his feet in total darkness.  No car, no anything, just a man and his dog.  He was lucky we didn't hit him, he was dressed all in black and was really hard to see.  He cursed at each of us as we drove by, and then we left him in peace as we drove on.  If we had any indication that he was up there, we would never have gone up, but he surprised us as much as we surprised him.

As we started climbing "P" Mountain, it was a very steep road up, part of it had concrete, but a lot of it was very broken up with deep potholes.  When we got to the top, it was amazing.  We were standing there right under the radio and microwave towers with views in every direction. 

The town of Parker from the top of the mountain.

Looking up at the towers.

And the main reason for our night ride was the full moon.  It gave us some light to ride by, but also was beautiful from up on the mountain.

The lights in this picture are cars (or campers) on Shea Road.

We left "P" Mountain just as we had found it and made our way back down the mountain.  

This was a super fun ride, and not something we would have a chance to do everyday.  Thank you to our friend for leading us up there.  We had a great time!

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