Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Busy Day! (Wednesday, February 21st, 2018)

Steve and I had a big day today.  We started out with yoga at 7:00 this morning, followed by our usual workout classes; spin class for Steve and a step/weight lifting combo class for me. 

We had time to come home just long enough for me to get a little work done, then it was time to meet San and Sharyn for golf.  The course was busy today, so it took us four hours to play 18 holes.  And it was a cold 18 holes.  The chill is still hanging in the air, but after the beautiful winter we have had so far, we are definitely due.  

By the time we got home from golf, it was 5:30.  We were both starving, and tired, so we just wanted a quick healthy snack.  

I decided to make some guacamole, and with all of our plants still in the house, my task was very easy.  I didn't even have to open the door and step into the back yard.  I picked by tomatoes and jalapenos right in my own living room.  

Our guacamole turned out great, but since it is one of our regular snacks, we should have it down by now.

The cold weather is supposed to hang in here until Saturday, so I guess my plants will get to be babied for a little while longer.

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