Thursday, March 8, 2018

Crazy Wind at NASCAR in Las Vegas (Thursday, March 1st, 2018)

Where are Steve and Andra today?  We're at NASCAR at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway! 

After leaving Glamis, we came home and quickly unloaded, cleaned and reloaded the motor home so we could head to NASCAR.  Our friends Tim and Cheryl are huge NASCAR fans, and since we have never been to a race, they decided to do it up right.  Last summer Tim called us with the details and purchased all of our tickets.  We are camping on turn three and have seats on the straight away near the start/finish line.  We are really excited to see what NASCAR is all about!

The plan was to take two motor homes and four couples.  Brian and Kathy would stay with Tim and Cheryl and Alan and Linda would stay with us.  But as we got ready to leave, we got a call from Alan, and his dad who has been sick for about  three years, was failing quickly, so they had to head to Colorado to be with him.  We are so sad that they won't be joining us on this little adventure, but they are certainly in our thoughts.

Our first glimpse of the speedway as we drove in.

We're parked in lot near entrance 8 that is near turn three of the race track.

Time to go out and explore a little bit.

The wind was cold and howling here at the speedway.  I'm not sure how Tim was running around in shorts, all I can say is "It's a Havasu Thing".  We went into the stands and found our seats, and had a chance to just look around with no crowds.  

When we left the stands, we were getting ready to get on a shuttle to head back to the RV's when we heard some loud tires screeching, so we walked over to see what it was.  

There were two cars drifting in an enclosure in the parking lot.

The Las Vegas Motor Speedway is located right next to Nellis Air Force Base, and the soldiers kept giving us a show doing fly-bys all day on Thursday.  It was a great show!

Another beautiful moon.

Alan and Linda were going to grill elk burgers for our motor home tonight, but since they had to head to Denver, they left the burgers for us. We decided to invite Tim and Cheryl to enjoy them with us.  It was so windy that Steve had trouble keeping the grill going, but the burgers were finally done so we shared them in Tim and Cheryl's motor home and then played a game of farkle before calling it a night.  

Thank you Alan and Linda, the elk burgers were great!  We miss you!

Then we headed back to our motor homes and snuggled in for the night.  The cold wind really takes it out of you when you're not used to it.  
Now if only the wind will die down it will be great!