Saturday, March 31, 2018

Mom and Dad are in Town (Tuesday, March 27th - Friday, March 30st)

My parents arrived at about 1:00 Tuesday afternoon, so we got them settled in, and then it was time for RZR rides.  It was windy today, so all of the dust would blow away nicely, making it perfect for a few short rides. 

Steve took my dad out first and enjoyed some sights above Havasu.

Then it was my mom's turn.  Steve took it easy on her and gave her a ride that he hoped she would enjoy.

When the RZR riding was over, we started getting text messages from friends to meet up for Tuesday tacos and beer at Legendz, one of our local restaurants, so we told them that my parents were in town and that we join them, but we'd do our own table so it wouldn't get too crowded.  

Brian and Kathy, Cheryl and Tim and Linda and Alan had the corner booth, so we took the booth right next to them.  It worked out perfectly.

It gave us a chance to talk to everyone, and still have time with my parents.

It was a great first day with my parents!  Looking forward to more time with them!

On Wednesday, Steve and I got up and went to the gym so my parents could have a nice relaxing morning at the house, but when we returned, we found out that my mom was really feeling sick.  She has had a really rough winter this year, sick on and off for last few months, but they came down because they thought she was feeling better.  

Unfortunately, one day of illness turned into multiple days, so most of their visit was spent just hanging around the house.  We were able to get them out on the back porch to enjoy the sunshine and beautiful weather, but that was about it.  

When we got back from the gym on Friday morning, mom was feeling a little bit better.  She wanted to visit our 99 Cent store, because of all the great produce we get there, so we took her down there to walk around and then we were going to give them an island tour in the car.  After we finished the 99 Cent store tour, mom was feeling bad again, so we took her back to the house and we gave a quick island tour to dad.  He was amazed at how much the island had changed since the last time they were here.

At the end of our island tour we stopped by The Heat to take in the views for a few minutes, then headed back to the house to check on mom.  

We had some lunch and sat around for awhile longer, then they packed up and were on their way back home.  It certainly wasn't the trip that we had all hoped for, but it was nice to spend some time with them.  We hope that mom gets to feeling better soon!

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