Friday, May 26, 2017

Roadrunner, Dust Devil and Pool Time (Wednesday, May 24th, 2017)

I had some work to catch up on this morning, so we were home bodies until I could get it done, but once it was complete, it was play time!

We headed to the golf course to play 18 holes of golf.  It was hot, around 106 F, so we just took our time and enjoyed the game.  I wear white cooling sleeves that cover my arms, and Steve and I both wear cooling towels to make the heat more bearable.  But we're finding that it's not as hot as we expected it to be.  

We've spent a lot of time here in the summer, but we've always been on the lake where we could just sit in the water to stay cool, but we were a little bit worried about golfing in it.  So far we have been pleasantly surprised.

We met up with this guy while we were golfing today.  He wasn't even slightly scared of us, mostly just curious.  Most roadrunners won't have anything to do with people, so this was kind of fun. I stood and watched him for about 10 minutes and he never ran off.

A few holes later, we were on the putting green.  I looked over and there was a big dust devil picking up the dirt and carrying it in a funnel.  It moved quickly, and soon it was on the fairway.  As it went through, the palm trees would start rustling in the tornado like wind.  Then it moved over a pond, and we could see the water in the pond spinning with the wind.  It eventually made it on by, carrying dust and leaves with it.  We see dust devils a lot in the desert, but I've never seen one up close and personal like that. I wish I had my camera while it was going on, but unfortunately I missed it.  You'll just have to take my word for it.  It was pretty cool.

When we finished our 18 holes of golf, we headed back to the house and enjoyed some craft time during the heat of the day.  I totally understand the concept of siestas in hot countries.  You just need a break from the heat.

Then off to our friends pool for a nice swim.  They weren't home at the time, but have given us permission to use their pool when they aren't there.  So we made ourselves at home and enjoyed a very pleasant evening at the pool.  It was a perfect 85 degrees F.  

When it started cooling off, we got out of the pool and enjoyed some guacamole that we brought with us.  Then waited for the sun to go down before making our way back home.  There were enough clouds in the sky to make us think that there could be a pretty spectacular sunset.  So it was worth waiting for.

While we were waiting for the sunset, a refueling duo flew by.  We see them quite often in Lake Havasu.  One plane is the fuel plane, and the other plane hooks up to it in mid air to refuel.  It is the coolest thing!

And when the time came, we weren't disappointed.  Arizona has some of the most spectacular sunsets!

This one was gorgeous from all directions and stretched for miles behind us.

It just amazes me that even on a work day we can have so much fun.  We're not doing anything special, just living life.  Life is good!

Thank you, Tony and Joyce for the use of your beautiful pool!  It was a fabulous night!

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