Monday, May 8, 2017

Hail in Colorado (Monday, May 8th, 2017)

They had big hail in Denver today.  Right where we used to live. We feel so bad for everyone who endured damage, because we know it was substantial, but once again, we are so thankful we no longer own our house there. It would have created a very worrisome day for us.  

I borrowed this picture from my friend Erika to show you what real hail looks like. Can you imagine this falling from the sky?

And this is the kind of damage it does.

No fun for anyone involved!  

This year, instead of worrying about our house, we spent the day playing our first round of golf.  It was in the low 80's in Havasu.  A perfect day for golfing.  Too bad our scores weren't as perfect as the weather was. 😎

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