Saturday, May 6, 2017

Puerto Penaco Day 4 (Monday, May 1st, 2017)

One of my favorite things about being here in Puerto Penasco is drinking my coffee on the beach each morning and just relaxing to the sound of the waves. There are people walking the beach, but other than that it is very quiet. None of the locals or vendors are out yet, and it is very peaceful.

After coffee, I went out looking for some shells for awhile and then came back to the camper for breakfast.

This morning is especially quiet because a lot of the campers left to go home yesterday. There are a few retirees here, but most of the visitors are weekend warriors, showing up on Friday night and checking out by noon on Sunday. They seem to come mostly from Phoenix and Southern California, so for many of them, it is a long drive for a day and a half of rest on the beach.

This morning when the campground started clearing we walked up to the office to see if we could upgrade our spot. They were happy to assign us new beach front spots for an additional $5 per night. We will only be here one more night, so we won’t have it for long, but it is very nice. We also moved closer to the office from where our original spots were, and the wifi is coming in much better here. It’s still a bit spotty, but at least it works. From our other spots we had to go to the office to pick up the wifi.  These are pictures of our new spot.  Not bad at all!

Tony and Joyce enjoyed their golfing so much yesterday that they decided to go again today. They booked their Tee-time online this time and got a $48 per person rate, so that was even better than what they paid yesterday.

While they were golfing, Steve and I decided to walk to town again. This time we wanted to go to CS Supply (recommended by the condo man) to see if we could get some great seafood. So we headed out on foot using the directions he gave us. 

As you can see, the beaches are much quieter today!

Glad we haven't encountered one of these.

We did a small money exchange here.  It's still not a great rate, but better than we can get at the RV Park or any of the shops or restaurants.  It ended up being the best exchange rate we saw in the town.

We passed by this old restaurant that is now under construction again.  A brick wall right inside the window.  Very interesting!

And what are these in this tree? 

The asphalt base in town is made with shells instead of rock.  It makes a lot of sense, but something we are not used to seeing.

Except for the main streets, all of the streets in town are sand.

Hermit crabs are such great artists as the tide goes down!

We see all kinds of crazy and interesting things when we get out and walk instead of always taking the car.

His directions were close, but the store was actually 4 blocks closer than he told us, so it was a good thing we were keeping our eyes open. We were hoping to pick up some seafood that we could grill at camp tonight, and maybe take a little back home with us as well, but when we got into the store, we realized that it is a restaurant supply store, and he had very little fish, and nothing fresh. It was all frozen. So the guy at the condos didn’t know what he was talking about at all. We did find a nice fish grilling basket that we bought for Joyce and Tony. We hope it is something that they will enjoy. 

The guy at CS Supply recommended a fish market (an awning and ice chests) for us to pick up some fresh fish, so we walked a little further into the city to see what he had, but when we got there, it didn’t look as good as what Joyce and Tony got in town on Saturday, so we left empty handed. It was a disappointing walk today, but we got great exercise and enjoyed seeing a new part of town. 

All of the taxi drivers in town seem very nice. As they go by, they honk once to let you know they are passing by so you can flag them down if you need a ride. They are also very nice about stopping for you when you are crossing a street. We haven’t needed to use one, but there are plenty around if you needed them, and I think they would be pretty cheap.

After Tony and Joyce finished golfing, we decided to try a new restaurant for dinner.  One that they had been to before, but we had not.  So we drove over, and to our dismay, they were closed on Monday's evening.  Bummer!

So back to the Malecon we went, back to the restaurant by the statue that we enjoyed so much for lunch yesterdays.

We watched the sun set as we enjoyed our dinner overlooking the Sea of Cortez, and then were treated to a beautiful glimpse of Sandy Beach at night. 

Excellent again!

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