Monday, May 22, 2017

Girl Time (Saturday, May 13th, 2017)

It's girl time!  Our daughter has arrived, and we're ready to have some fun with her!

It  been an interesting May, in that the weather just isn't as warm as usual. Normally, we would be hanging out at the lake trying to stay cool, but this year the temperatures are cool, with highs only in the mid 80's.  So the lake water is still chilly, and not as tempting as it might be on a hot day.  

We always let our kids choose what they want to do when they are in town. So our first day of her trip was in the RZR.

 We headed out onto the island, so she could enjoy the beach without having to fully commit to the chilly water.  Its still beautiful that way, but we're not freezing hanging out in it.

The RZR is nice for driving around the island because you can ride all of the hills and get down to the beaches easily.  Steve loves his little toy.

Pretty soon is was our daughters turn to drive.  She loved it!

She was proud of herself for driving us all over the island.

We walked out on the docks at Sight Six, and she just couldn't help herself, she had to do a hand stand.

And another.  

Then back in the RZR for more exploring.

Steve dropped us off in the park so we could walk down the Bridge Water Channel and then meet him on the other end.  We love to take the girls to their favorite places whenever they are in town, and this is one of them.

We met Steve at The Heat, which is a hotel and bar that overlooks the channel.  It is a really pretty spot.

And then it was time for lunch, and of course, our daughter's request was In-N-Out.  She is our gluten free girl, so she has to get her burger "animal style", which means wrapped in lettuce instead of on a bun. But that doesn't bother her a bit.

When we finished lunch, we still had a whole afternoon ahead of us.  So once again, we asked our daughter what she would like to do.  This time she chose golf.

She has boated down here her whole life, so boating doesn't seem to be a big priority to her.  She has never really played much golf, so she said that she wanted to learn.  Her boyfriend loves to golf, and he's pretty good at it, so although she tries to play with him, she has a hard time keeping up. So we decided playing a little golfing was a great idea.  

We started in the back yard, hitting wiffle balls on a turf mat.  Once she seemed to have the hang of it, we took her to the driving range for a little more practice.

 After a hard day of hitting range balls, we had grilled chicken and ceasar salads for dinner.  A family favorite!

Her trip is off to a great start, and so far no sunburn!  That's a successful first day!

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