Saturday, May 6, 2017

Puerto Penasco (Saturday, April 29th, 2017)

It is exceptionally windy both here and in Lake Havasu City right now. The wind blew hard all night and made it difficult to sleep. There were high wind advisories all across Arizona. There are two fires burning out of control in Arizona right now as well. The Cactus fire just north of Mesa, Arizona on the Bush Highway and the Sawmill fire down near Tucson. The winds are certainly not helping the fire fighters at all.

Our kids are expecting high temperatures of mid-20's and six inches of snow today in Colorado, which is devastating this late in the season. Sprinkler systems will freeze and trees will freeze and break. This is exactly why we sold our Colorado house, it’ just too much to worry about!

We are really enjoying Puerto Penasco so far. We walked along the beach and collected some shells. Walked toward Cholla Bay, but didn’t make it that far. Coming back we toured Puerta Privada, a condo complex that has about 8 units for sale. It is two over from our RV Park. They pride themselves in the fact that the condos can’t be rented out, so their beach is always quite private and the pools and hot tub are never over crowded. They were very nice condos, but not for us.

We headed back to the RV’s for a quick bite to eat before heading out in the jeep to explore the town.  Some evidence of the high winds while we were gone.

Sandy beach is where we are staying.  The hook at the bottom is called the Malecon.  It is the old town and the most popular shopping district for tourists.

First we headed west to Cholla Bay. The road all the way out is dirt and a bit washboardy.  

The tide changes are huge in the bay, and since we were there at low tide, most of the bay was empty and a lot of it was a large tidal flat. A lot of the locals were out swimming and wading in what was left of the water. We looked through the town, and it appears that a lot of Americans own property in the area.

This machine is used to load boats.  We saw several of them in Cholla Bay.

Parking on the beach.

Still a bit windy, but it's nice and warm, so not a problem.

There are a lot of buildings in progress that are for sale and have not been completed.  This one is huge and extravagant!  

This next picture looks from the streets of Cholla Bay back to the high rises on Sandy Beach.

 After we left Cholla Bay, we headed back east to the Malecon, to have some lunch and do some shopping.  You have to drive around the harbor to get to the Malecon.

The Malecon is the old city, out on a peninsula east of Sandy Beach where all of the hotels and condos are. It reminded me of any other Mexican tourist town with all of the street vendors and restaurants. One difference is that the Malecon has a lot of fresh fish shops with beautiful fresh caught fish and shrimp. Oh my, this is a dream come true!

We brought way too much food of our own! We should have just bought it all here. The pharmacies in the Malecon also have all of the basic medications that you can buy all over Mexico.  

One thing that we've noticed is that there is not as much English spoken here as there is in a lot of tourist towns.  I am enjoying trying to use my very limited Spanish.

We had lunch at a little place called Linda Vista. It was impossible to find, and in fact the waiter at the restaurant was out on the street showing people where it was. We looked at his menu and decided to give it a try. It was a little place on the second floor above the street shops and overlooked the Sea of Cortez. We had a fabulous lunch, 4 beers, 2 guacamoles, 4 fish tacos and 2 shrimp tacos for $32.

Here are a few pictures so we can find it again.

Then off to do some exploring on the Malecon.

Before we left the Malecon area, we stopped by one of the fish markets and bought some huge shrimp to add to our dinner. They were 6 shrimp per pound and it was $9 per pound, and would easily cost $20 per pound in Colorado.

We can't wait to try them, they look so good!

Next we drove about 20 miles further east to a place called the Mayan Palace where there is a Jack Nichols designed golf course that Toni and Joyce want to play tomorrow. It was immaculate, in a beautiful desert peninsula surrounded by the Sea of Cortez. They are going to have a great time, and I hope that someday we’ll learn to golf and will come back and play with them. It’s usually $175 to play, but they got it for $79. They’re very excited!

It was even complete with wildlife.

Now back to the camper to grill up a wonder surf and turf dinner fit for kings.

Adios, until menana!

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