Sunday, May 7, 2017

RZR Ride (Sunday, May 7th, 2017)

We met at Tim and Cheryl's house at 11:00 for a Sunday afternoon RZR ride.  Tim drove one of their RZRs with Brian, Cheryl drove their other RZR with Kathy and Shawna, and Steve drove me around like a princess today.  

They are all out ready to go!

It took everyone a few minutes to get buckled in.  These harnesses aren't easy!

Ready to go!

Two days ago during the Desert Storm Poker Run, we hit 107 degrees F here in Havasu.  Today, the high is only supposed to be 72 degrees F.  What a difference a few days make.  We're all bundled up, because so far it's chilly!

Cheryl had a little mishap on one of the hills and got high centered. It's easy to do in the 4 person RZRs as they are a lot longer.

But it wasn't long and we were back on the trails having a great time!

Oh course, an important part of RZR riding is stopping for some refreshments!

And then back to the trails again.

One of the great things about riding RZRs in the desert above Lake Havasu City is the power lines.  There is a set of power lines that run from the north end of town to the south end of town through the desert.  If you ever lose your bearings, you just look for the power lines, and you know where you are.  In fact, we end up spending some of our time riding right beneath them quite often.  It's the best!

We finally called it a day and headed back to Tim and Cheryl's house for some pizza and social time.  It was a great day, and it's amazing how it wears you out even when you're just a rider!  

We got a little dust on the tires, so it must have been a great day!

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