Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Denver to Miami (Thursday, December 21st, 2017)

We’ve been in Denver for about four days now, visiting family and helping Steve’s parents out. His dad had a knee replacement on December 6th, so he has been at home healing up from that. 

I have to say, he seems to be doing well, and it’s looking really good! It has been fun to be able to help out around the house and to get Steve’s mom out a little bit so she doesn’t go stir crazy.

We are in Denver gathering our kids up to embark on a new adventure. Both of our girls took Spanish classes all through middle school and high school, and by the time they graduated, they were both pretty fluent. We had told them both that if they stuck with their Spanish classes that when they graduated we would take them somewhere fun where they could use their new-learned language.

When our oldest daughter graduated, we all flew into Barcelona, Spain where we stayed for eight days before boarding a Carnival Cruise Ship for a trip thru the Mediterranean.  She used her Spanish to get us out of many predicaments, and just to enjoy talking to the locals.

But on the year our youngest daughter graduated from high school, our oldest daughter had received a great internship and was getting started in life, and we didn’t want to interrupt that progress. So to make a long story short, we have been trying for a long time to get the whole family together for our youngest daughter’s “Spanish” trip.

When we started looking last Spring, we could see a window of time that everyone had open, so we jumped on it and booked the trip for our youngest daughter. And now, many months later, we are on our way to South America! We will be taking our oldest daughter and her husband, our youngest daughter and her boyfriend and the two of us.

We woke this morning to snow on the ground and frigid temperatures in Denver. Not exactly the kind of weather we like to fly in, but we certainly can’t dictate what the weather is going to do. Traffic was slow getting to our parking lot, but we eventually got there and got parked without any problems, then rode the shuttle to the airport. The lines were long, but we finally got our bags checked in and we got through security quickly and out to our gate. 

 Then everyone left me and our oldest daughter to watch all our stuff while they went to concourse C to the tamale restaurant to get us some lunch. Our flight took off a little bit late because of the weather and then we had to go through de-icing, but once we were in the air everything went smoothly. 

De-icing takes about 30 minutes longer, but is definitely worth the peace of mind.  And if you have a window seat, it's kind of fun to watch.  A person in a cherry picker sprays a green slime on the wings to keep them from icing up, but the really weird part is that they drive the truck from the cherry picker.  It's strange to see a truck driving with no one inside.

First stop Miami, where we will have a six hour layover before we take off again for Bogota, Columbia.

Our son (in-law) can sleep anywhere.  He's amazing! 

We had plenty of time to spend here in Miami, but once we were able to recheck our bags, it certainly helped. 

Next stop, Bogota, Colombia!

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