Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Train to Machu Picchu (Thursday, December 28th, 2017)

The Executive train to Machu Picchu is very nice, with seats facing forward and backward separated by a table.

There are side windows, as well as windows on the ceiling for viewing the highest peaks.

The only way to the town of Machu Picchu is by train or foot.  We were on the tourist train, there is also a train that runs for the locals, which also delivers supplies to the town first thing in the morning.  The views from the Executive train are spectacular as you wind your way through this beautiful valley by the Urubamba River.

There is a spot along the train line where the trail to Machu Picchu took off over the mountains for those who wanted to hike into the park.  Hikers must hire Shurpasas guides to help them carry their packs over the mountains.  This is how they help protect this area from the effects of the hikers.

They brought a beverage cart through with a selection of drinks and some small snacks to enjoy on the trip.

Some peaks of the high mountains terrain from the windows in the ceiling.  It is beautiful and rough terrain that you really wouldn't want to miss!

We saw a few farm houses along the tracks, and often saw their inhabitants walking along the tracks as one of the few flat places to walk.

Before we knew it, we were making our way into the town of Machu Picchu.

The train station was a busy place.

The town is nestled in the middle of the Andes Mountains, with gorgeous views in every direction.

We made our way through town to a little deli called  La Boulangerie de Paris where we grabbed a quick lunch before catching our bus up to Machu Picchu.

Then quickly made our way to the buses.  Machu Picchu is a once in a lifetime place to visit, so we wanted as much time in the park as possible.

Did I mention that Machu Picchu is a walking only city?  The poor delivery people have a rough job.

We are so excited to catch our bus and make our way up the mountain to our destination of the day.

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