Sunday, January 21, 2018

Aranwa to Yacay Village ( Thursday, December 28th, 2017)

Today is the day we have been waiting for.  We are on our way to one of the seven wonders of the world...Machu Picchu. Built by the Inca's so many hundreds of years ago, and yet still a mystery to all who visit it.

As we walked through the grounds on our way to breakfast, we enjoyed the company of the hotels Alpacas who were grazing on the grounds.

I also took a few minutes to walk through the orchid garden of the Aranwa Hotel.

From our hotel we took the bus to the village of Yucay.  along the way, of course we saw go many Inca ruins and terraces.  They are everywhere within this valley.

When we got to the village of Yucay, we took time to tour the village and admire all of the ruins, and the way of life of the people who live here.  

The aqua ducts built by the Incas are still in the Yucay village, diverting the water through the town.

This man was sitting on the steps of this building chewing coca leaves, a tradition of many of the local people.

A traditional Inca doorway.  The wooden doors are new.

Everywhere you look in this village there are remains of the Inca civilization, mixed among the newer buildings.

As we walked through the village, we could see a man running a steer through town.  He kept yelling at us to move, since you can't really control a running steer.  We all did our best to move out of his way, but we really couldn't tell which direction he was trying to go.

Inca doors were quite small.

Before we caught the train to Machu Picchu, we stopped in the little market to grab some snacks and use the restrooms. It was just a little shop, but they sure had a lot of stuff.

We ended up buying some chocolate cereal as our snack, and like all chocolate in South America, it was SO chocolatey  good!

And then it was time to catch the train to Machu Picchu!

From here we don't know what to expect, but we are so excited to find out!  Stay tuned for our trip to Machu Picchu!

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