Monday, January 15, 2018

Canopy Adventure (Monday, December 25th, 2017)

Our morning Christmas hike was really fun, so we are super exited to go on our canopy adventure this afternoon.  We're not really sure what all it entails, but we're definitely ready for the challenge.  At least we think... 

This is the only optional excursion we signed up for on this trip and ir was $19 per person.  It sounded like a bargain, so we'll see what we get for our money.

The hotel is very green, and doesn't provide any water bottles that they would then have to dispose of, or worse, they could end up in the river or rain forest, but they did provide this big jug of cold water for refills every morning and afternoon. 

After filling our bottles, we again headed down to the boot room to grab our boots for our canopy adventure.  They told us that we would need our boots in addition to a good pair of all terrain shoes.

We actually went through town, which is back behind the hotel, to get to our canopy fun, instead of taking the river.  We didn't even know that this was a thing until just now.  But Dario said that it's a long way to anywhere by road, so most of the town people still use the river to get around for the most part.

Our transportation was waiting for us.  Two in front, and the rest in back.

We made our way through town and got to see all that was happening with the locals.

Our destination wasn't far down the road, probably 10 minutes or so.

Dario told us that we would have another hike.  It would only take 20-30 minutes at a quick pace, but it was much steeper than this morning's hike. So off we went.

Within about 5 minutes, we came across a group of tamarind monkeys playing in the trees.  We stayed and enjoyed their fun demeanor and watched them swing through the forest canopy for awhile before we continued on.  I dare you to try and find them in the next few pictures.  They are tiny little monkeys, so they are very hard to see.

Next we came across a baby coral snake.

When they are threatened, they flare up their tail to confuse their predator.  The predator will go after their tail, thinking it's their head.

When we finally got to the top, we could see how steep our hike really was.  The views were breath taking!

They had a little outhouse at the top of the hill by the obstacle course.  When we opened the door, we found this cute gecko sleeping on the door.  We just let him sleep.

Our canopy adventure guide taught us all how to put on our harnesses.

All saddled up and ready to go!

We had to go through a training course first to make sure that we understood how the smart clamps work.  One is always open, and one is always closed.  That way you can never accidentally unhook both of the clamps at once while you are up on the canopy.  

I have a definite fear of heights, but the smart clamps made me feel a lot better about what our children got me into. 😲

Once we passed the test on the training course which was pretty close to the ground, we were allowed to continue on to the real course.  I honestly thought this was going to be a zip lining adventure, but I quickly learned that it is an obstacle course with a few zip lines in the middle.  

This is where the real adventure began.  Our guide was kind enough to crawl around and take pictures of us as we tried to navigate our way through the maze.

The look of concentration on my face is hysterical!  I was a little petrified most of the time.

The canopy adventure was amazing, and showed me that I can do whatever I put my mind to.  There were times up there in the canopy that I literally had to tell my self...move that foot to that board, then switch hands and reach.  My body couldn't do it automatically, it was just too scary!  Our son (in-law) and our daughter's boyfriend went through the course several times.  I could only make it through once, my knees were shaking too hard.  There was one man that had to be rescued while we were there, he just couldn't make himself go on.  So it made me very happy and excited that everyone of us made it through the entire course at least once.  We are all a bunch of rock stars!

There was a little pool of water right next to the course, and as we finished up, there was a poisonous dart frog sitting next to the pool.

As we looked more closely, we realized that she was carrying babies on her back.  This was super cool to see!

We were so glad that we chose the canopy adventure as our optional tour.  This was an experience that we wouldn't have missed for the world!!!!

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