Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Peruvian Market (Saturday, December 30th, 2017)

I love markets!  No matter what country I am in, I love to visit the markets and take in the atmosphere and all the goodies available.  

Our first stop was for chupa bread.  It is a traditional bread of Peru, made with anise. We bought a loaf to share later in the bus, and oh my was it good!!!  I would love to know how to make this very tasty bread, and each loaf is big enough to feed a small army.

Then on to the fruits and vegetables.  I wish we had markets like this in the U.S.  They always make their produce look so pretty and irresistible.  And even better it is super cheap!


Fresh cheese

Next was the meat department.

A little lady selling seaweed.

Dried and fresh spices.

Homemade sauces.

This was the cutest little lady!  She was so happy and talkative!

Then we came to the food court.

One of the restaurants in the food courts was serving sheep head stew.  If you're lucky, you get the jawbone.  I think it's a lot like getting the wishbone on Thanksgiving.

Last but not least, we visited the coca store.  This woman sold anything you could ever want associated with coca.

Including a huge bag of dried coca leaves.

Every country we visit has a slightly different flair in their markets.  I love seeing what is available and how it is displayed.  Most of the time the vendors are busy chopping, peeling or doing some sort of work on the merchandise they have for sale.  Nothing is done in the back room, it all just happens right there in the market.

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