Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Exploring Cuzco, Peru (Saturday, December 30th, 2017)

After an amazing lunch, we set out on foot to explore the City of Cuzco.  Nothing makes us happier than meeting amazing people.  This little lady was selling children's hats and clothing made from alpaca wool. 

Everything she sold, she had made by hand and she was happy to show us exactly how she did it.  We didn't need any children's goods, but we did help her out for all of the time she spent with us and her amazing personality.  I just love vendors like her!

As we walked through the city, we looked at the bundles of wires coming in and out of buildings and wondered if anyone has any idea where they all go, but apparently someone does know, because this guy was working on the wires as we walked by.

Cuzco is the oldest living city in the Americas.  Much of it was built by the Incas, and many of those structures still exist.

We picked up a friend as we walked through the city.  This little dog seemed to like us and followed us for many blocks.

Our little puppy friend is still with us.

One baby on her back and another one in her arms.

As we started heading back to the hotel, a woman ran out of a store looking for someone who could speak English and Spanish.  The couple was German and they spoke German and English, but couldn't communicate with the Spanish speaking sales people, so she was in desperate need of a translator.  Our oldest daughter stepped in and saved the day as she translated for the couple.  It was fun to watch her in action, and so fun to think that she still remembers her Spanish after almost seven years!

Then we all met back at the hotel to relax and unwind before dinner.

We even had a visit from a humming bird as we sat out in the courtyard. This one was giant!

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