Wednesday, December 20, 2017

December Gardening Update (Thursday, December 15th, 2017)

I planted by self watering garden about 2 months ago, some with nursery plants and some with seed.  I really had no idea how to do winter gardening, but wanted to give it a try.

This is my chives and lemon grass.  I ordered the lemon grass off the internet and was supposed to get two small bare root plants, but they ended up sending me three, which was great!  And they are all doing well!

My jalapenos are also doing well, but you can see that the cilantro that was next to the jalapenos croaked while we were away over Thanksgiving.  They were from seed and needed more water than the rest of the plants.

The kale is doing well.

And two varieties of tomatoes.  This one is a normal patio tomato.

This one was called a goliath, but is also a variety of patio tomato.  The shadows make it hard to see, but there are a lot of small green tomatoes on this one.

Even though the soil I used said that it had enough nutrients for 6 months, I have had to start fertilizing.  My plants were starving for nutrition, but they are doing much better now.  I'm still loving my winter garden.  It is a lot of fun and brings some "green" into our lives.

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