Monday, December 11, 2017

Sunset RZR Ride (Saturday, December 9th, 2017)

Steve and I took a nice leisurely RZR ride today, up north of the city, and then down around beyond Bison Road.  We wanted to spend a little bit of time to really understand the GPS that we have, so we laid multiple tracks and really got to know it in a situation where we didn't need it.  We are really happy with it.

When we got home, we took the time to put together some food that we would be taking for dinner tonight and then headed out to our friends house for a sunset RZR ride and dinner.

As soon as everyone was there we headed up into the desert.

After dinner we all headed back to Tim and Cheryl's for a yummy steak dinner and a back yard camp fire.  What a great night with really good friends!

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