Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Washington Bound (Friday, April 27th, 2018)

We left Lake Havasu this morning ... early, and drove into Las Vegas for our flight to Seattle/Tacoma.  This will be our first visit to our daughter and son (in-law's) new home, so we are so excited! Our daughter took a half day off from work so she could pick us up at the airport and take us back to their little town of Dupont.

Our first impression was how crazy green it is.  We aren't used to this kind of beauty!

We took the long way home from the airport and got a quick tour of a town near them called Steilacoom.  Our daughter thought it would be fun for us to see the Puget Sound as quickly as possible.  Steilacoom is a super cute little town, right on the water.

And there it is.  Our first glimpse of the water.

The ferry to Anderson Island, which is the island straight out from Steilacoom.

The line of cars waiting for the ferry.  Yikes, I can't image living on an island and working on the mainland.  The ferry lines are really long.

Then we got a quick little tour of their hometown, Dupont.  It is even cuter than Steilacoom, but isn't right on the water, although, it's only about a mile away.  It has so much open space that will never be built on.

It has very nice, modern little shops.

After our son (in-law) got home, we went back out and picked up some Indian food for dinner, then took it back to their house to relax and eat.

They live in a two bedroom, two bath condo that is perfect for them.  It has a very nice balcony that their cat Albert just loves.  He sits out there almost all the time, just watching the birds and the people go by.

When we were finished with dinner, it was still light out, so we decided to walk over to a little brewery near their house for a beer.  The weather was perfect, which made for such a pretty walk, and everything here is so pretty!

We followed a trail to the FOB brewery.  Only the last two blocks or so were actually on a sidewalk, which we loved.

I used to carry her, now she carries me.  I think I got the easy end of that deal.

The FOB is a little hometown brewery that everyone walks to.  It was such a quaint little place.

And it was open mic night, so we had some great entertainment.

We had such a fun first night exploring Dupont.  And when we got home, there were chocolates waiting for us on our pillows.  We love this place!

We slept like babies, dreaming about what tomorrow will have in store for us.

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