Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Table Restaurant (Saturday, April 28th, 2018)

After a huge day of tip toeing through the tulips, munching on Mexican food and pondering the Pike Place Market, we went back to the house for showers and a few minutes of down time.  But not too much down time, because we had a 7:00 reservation at our kid's favorite restaurant; The Table, in Tacoma.  

The Table changes their menu continuously, basing their creations on the local fresh produce and meats.  We decided to order our dinner tapas style, so that we could take our time and enjoy as many options as possible.  We had a fabulous waiter named Wade, who took great care of us, and enjoyed a great meal with our kids.

Beet and blue salad.

What's left of our gnocchi mac and cheese.  We got so excited that we almost forgot the picture.


Roast Duck.

And dessert split four ways.  I can't remember what it was called, but it was amazing!

We thoroughly enjoyed our dinner at The Table, and would highly recommend it if you are ever in the area.

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