Monday, May 21, 2018

Cabin (Wednesday, May 16th and 17th, 2018)

Steve's mom broke her leg about a month ago, so our timing in coming back to Colorado has been perfect for helping them with  a couple of items.

One of the things that came to mind was getting the cabin opened up for the summer.  I think the biggest part is getting the water flowing again, and that went very well with the exception of needing to rebuild the toilet.  Not a big deal!  While the boys rebuilt the toilet, we girls made some lunch.

Grandma frying bacon for BLT's.  Yum!

The gluten free girl having to slice the bread, how mean is that?

After lunch we started in on the work.  Grandma and our youngest hung the  humming bird feeder.  Or at least they tried.  As they began to hang it, they realized that the board it was hooked to was falling off the wall.  So the hummingbird feeder project became a bit more of a job.

Finally the hummingbird feeder was successfully hung.

I took pictures of the work for awhile, but then decided that it would be more fun for Steve's mom to take the pictures as she sat and watched the work (sitting is something she is not good at).  She did a great job with the pictures, but unfortunately, her vantage point from the bench wasn't the best.

So many pine needles and branches!

The mighty photographer herself.

Hanging all our work towels out to dry.

When the work was all done, we took a drive around the area to see what was happening.

And of course a drive around Red Feather includes a trip down Elf Lane.  

Our youngest daughter even helped grandma put a new elf out.

The snow capped mountains peeking out from behind the lake.

A special treat before bed of homemade smoothies.

After a long day of work, it was time to call it a night.

When we got up on Wednesday morning, it was time to help our daughter clean her car.  She really doesn't have an easy way to clean it up at school, so we thought it would be fun to help her out, while grandma once again photographed it for us.  

Floor mats first.

Our final job of the trip was to bring the paddle boat back from one of the lakes, but before we loaded it up, we decided to take it out for a spin.

It was a gorgeous day at the cabin and out on the lake, which made it so hard to leave it all behind.  But we had a dinner date with one of Morgan's friends that we were super excited about, so we brought the paddle boat back to the cabin and headed out for dinner.

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