Monday, May 21, 2018

Golfing at the Refuge (Monday, May 21st, 2018)

At a recent Side by Side club event, our friends John and Sheila won a round of golf for four at the Refuge Golf Club.  It is a club here in Havasu that Steve and I have wanted to play, but have just never had the chance.  John and Sheila gave their tickets to Sam and Sharyn, and they invited us to go with them.  

It was a beautiful course, and was in great shape with really plush grass. 

We all played pretty well until we got to hole 16.  I think that Sam actually stayed on the fairway for most of it, but Sharyn and I were out in the rough with every hit.  

This palo verde tree really ate her ball.  It took us awhile to get it out, but we did it!

We finally finished that hole and continued on, but I'm not sure any of us ever really got that hole out of our minds.  Or maybe we were just so exhausted at the end of it that we couldn't ever recuperate.  But none the less, we had a great time!

The quail families were out running around.

We really enjoyed our round of golf at the Refuge!  We will definitely have to go back and play again!

We all had some great successes today, with lots of pars (Sam even parred two par fives in a row) and I was celebrating my first par on a par 5 ever, so we went to Hangar 24 to celebrate with some beers and their huge nacho tray.

Thanks John and Sheila for the round of golf!  We had a great time!

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