Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Point Defiance Park (Sunday, April 29th, 2018)

This morning the weather is clearer, and there is no r*#n in sight.  Our daughter is superstitious and doesn't believe in saying the word, or it might start up again.  So we drove through downtown Tacoma on our way to Point Defiance Park.  We had to take a few detours because there was a marathon going through the park today.  

This is a public school in Tacoma, and a historic building as well.

Point Defiance Park is huge a free park where you can just stroll and enjoy the shoreline, or go for a hike in the woods.  There is even a living history museum in this park.

For desert rats like us, the trees are almost overwhelming.

Our daughter's new skill since moving to Washington is skipping rocks, so we all got to have a lesson.

I don't think this was part of the lesson.

We spent a few hours just exploring and enjoying and Point Defiance Park before continuing on.  This place is so beautiful, it is hard to leave, but there is so much more to see!

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