Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Tempe Improv Theater (Saturday, July 1st, 2017)

We decided a night of comedy would be really fun, so we went to the Tempe Improv to see Drew Lynch.  He is the comedian from America's Got Talent that went to sleep after receiving a concussion, and when he awoke, he had a permanent stutter in his speech.  I'm sure it was devastating, but he was able to make something out of it.  He took life's lemons and turn them into lemonade. Something that very few of us can do.

As we got in line for the show, they told us that if we went into the bar before the show, we could enjoy the nice cool air conditioning, and would get wristbands for VIP seating, which meant that we would be seated before everyone else in line.  That sounded pretty good to us, so we headed inside before the show.

Once we were in the theater, it didn't take them very long to seat all of the guests.  We each ordered a drink and waited for the show to start.

Drew Lynch's opening act was a comedian from the LA area named Justin Foster.  His forte in comedy was his interaction with the audience. It appeared that very little of his material was scripted, he just rolled with whatever the audience gave him.  His material was clean, even though it was a 21+ venue. This is a picture of us with Justin after the show.

Drew Lynch is one of the funniest comedians I have ever seen. His comedy is clean, and revolves around everyday life that we can all relate to.  He talked a little bit about his stutter, his short stature and his therapy dog. There were times when we were crying and couldn't catch our breath.  He was SO funny!  After the show he stayed around for pictures, which was a lot of fun.  All of the staff said that he is a really nice guy.  

We enjoyed every minute of his show and would go see him again in a heart beat.  I highly recommend you look him up on the internet and check out some of his comedy.  It is priceless!

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