Thursday, July 20, 2017

Golf and Monsoons (Wednesday, July 19th, 2017)

No matter how hard I try, my golf game has really been quite terrible.  I realize that there has to be a learning curve, but we've been at this for 2 plus months now, and although I really love playing, my game leaves a whole lot to be desired.  So I decided to take a couple of golf lessons to see it I could make any sense of this game. 

After two lessons, Steve and I went out today to do some practicing.  We agreed to not keep score and just work on what I learned.  So I wasn't paying any attention to the scores, even through Steve secretly was.  

I teed off on hole one, and had the best drive of my life.  That was such a great feeling!  And then I continued to play the hole, with a nice putt at the end.  As the ball hit the hole, Steve announced to me with a huge smile on his face....that was a par.  You got your first par! I couldn't believe it.  I haven't even had any bogies in quite a while.  My first par ever!

We played hole number two and it felt good, and then hole three, and again, as I putted on hole three, Steve announced that I had another par.  At this point my head was spinning.  I don't understand how I'm doing this, but I'm definitely enjoying it.  

After I got my par on hole three, Steve told me that I had a bogie on hole two, so after three holes, I was up just one over! I wasn't able to keep up my great score of the first three holes, but I was happy with the rest of my game.  It felt so good to finally play well.  I hope I can continue this little streak. 

The monsoons are here, and the humidity is high, but the Hava-dome (as we lovingly call it) keeps all of the bad weather away. We never had any rain today, but as we headed to dinner tonight, there was this beautiful rainbow in the clouds.

It was a really fun day, playing golf and enjoying rainbows here in Lake Havasu City!

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