Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Golf, Fish Tacos and Joe's Farm Grill (Saturday, July 1st, 2017)

The girls flight got in late last night, so we picked them up and headed back to my parents house.  Of course we made a quick stop at In-n-Out Burger for some french fries!  We all took a nice leisurely swim in the pool at the Rec 1 building before we called it a night.

My parents don't have a guest room with a bed, so we usually just blow up an air mattress and put it in their office.  But our youngest daughter is a wild sleeper, so we decided to try something different this time.  We took two cots along with us, and set those up in the office so that the girls would each have their own space. We used queen sized sheets on them and tied them at the foot of the cots so that they would stay on.  We put a folded blanket under the sheets for a little extra cushion, and the girls said that they were pretty comfortable.  When we peeked in on them this morning, they seemed comfortable enough!

Their first suggestion of things to do today was to go hit some golf balls at the driving range.  Our youngest daughter has played golf with us a little bit before, but for our oldest daughter, it was her first time.

They both did really well, and worked up quite an appetite.  So after golfing, we headed to Rubio's for some fish tacos.  Yum!

For anyone that is about our age, you all probably remember Zima. It was the first malt beverage ever made, and was produced by Coors.  Steve and I used to drink it back in the late 80s and early 90's, and it was recently brewed for a special release, so we thought it would be fun to share a Zima with our girls. They thought it was pretty good!

Then off to the pool for some exercise and relaxation.  Today we went to the Rec 2 pool to mix it up a little bit.

Once we were feeling totally pruned, we showered at Rec 2 (where we could each have our own shower and we didn't have to wait on each other), and got ready for dinner.  The girls choice for dinner was Joe's Farm Grill in Gilbert.  It is one of our favorite restaurants, not just because they have great food, but because the atmosphere is incredible as well!  They grow a lot of their own food right on the farm, and there is also a community farm that you can stroll through to see what everyone is growing.  It is always an adventure!

It looks like we are the only one's there, but it was actually very crowded.  Everyone was sitting either under the misters, or in the air conditioning.

One of the community gardens had a pomegranate tree.

This one was really cute!  Complete with a mail box.

We had such a great day today!  The girls had plenty of relaxation time, but we also got to enjoy some of their favorite things about Arizona.  But there's still more to come.  We have an exciting evening planned, so stay tuned!

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