Monday, July 3, 2017

Heading to Phoenix (Wednesday, June 28th and Thursday, June 29th, 2017)

We really wanted to see the girls over the 4th of July holiday, so our first thought was to head to Colorado for a long weekend.  But as we thought more about it, we thought that it might be fun for the girls to come see us instead.

Since there isn't a commercial airport in Lake Havasu City, it gets a little interesting when people want to come for a short stay.  They can fly into Las Vegas, rent a car and make the 2 1/2 hour drive, or if we need to pick them up, we have to make the 2 1/2 hour drive each was to pick them up and again to drop them back off.  That can get to be a lot of driving for a weekend.

So we decided it would make things a whole lot easier if we drove to Phoenix and stayed at my parents house for a few days.  Then the girls could fly into Sky Harbor which is only about 1/2 an hour from my parents house.

This time of year, when the weather really heats up, dust devils form everywhere.  They are like mini tornadoes, but they really aren't destructive.  They might bend up an awning or easy-up, but other than that, you don't hear of any damage from them.  But I think they are still interesting to watch.  Sometimes they only last for a minute or two, and other times they can really get going.  We saw a lot of them on our trip to Phoenix.

Once we arrived in Phoenix, we took our time getting the house set up.  We typically take all of our own sheets, bath towels, wash clothes, dish rags and dish towels.  That way we don't have to worry about washing my parents before we leave.  We just pack ours up with us and wash it all when we get back home.  It's so much easier.  We switch out my parents sheets for ours, and then just switch them back before we leave.

Once we were settled in, we took some time to enjoy big city life. There isn't a lot of shopping in Lake Havasu City, since it is a fairly small town, so we have to take advantage of outlet stores and Costco when we have the chance.  We each got a new pair of tennis shoes for our work outs (we were way past due), and a few pieces of new clothing at the Tanger outlet mall in Glendale.  

Then off to a produce market that one of the gentlemen in Leisure World told us about.  It called the Superstition Ranch Market.  They have everything, and some of it is very well priced.  Other stuff wasn't a deal at all.  The one thing he told us was not to buy more than we could eat in a few days, because it usually doesn't last very well.

The selection was amazing!  We didn't buy anything, but it was fun to check it out and see what they had.

Our final outing of the day was to look at some model homes that are in the Phoenix area.  We love to look at the outdoor spaces, and just see what is available.  One of the things that drives us crazy about most of the newer communities is that the developers take out bonds to pay for the infrastructure of neighborhood.  It is then paid back by an extra tax imposed on the home owners in that neighborhood.  It makes the taxes in these neighborhoods much higher than it should be.

But we did find a few really nice outdoor spaces.  We better start saving.  These would be really fun to have.

Behind the door is a bathroom for the pool.  What a great outdoor area!

Now back to the homestead to get ready for our girls to come.  We are so excited!

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