Tuesday, July 4, 2017

HOV Lanes in Phoenix (Monday, July 3rd, 2017)

One of the things we realized this time in Phoenix is that they have great HOV lanes.  They are for cars with 2 or more people only. You can't pay to drive in them with a single person, and you don't have to have any special gadgets to use them.  You just jump into them and drive if you have more than one person in your car.  

The best part about their HOV lanes is that they have shortcut exits to most of the other major highways.  For instance, if you are on the I-10 and need to exit onto the I-60, normally you would have to get out of the HOV lane in order to exit.  But in Phoenix, the HOV lane has a flyover exit that is a shortcut onto the other highway.  It is ingenious!  

They really mess with google maps, because it doesn't know about the shortcuts, but we love them, and eventually google maps catches back up.  It's great!

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