Friday, June 9, 2017

Something Fishy is Going On (Saturday, June 3rd, 2017)

I have been working a lot today, and Steve decided that it was time to get me out of the house for a few hours, so we jumped in the car and headed down to the boat ramp to see if anything was going on.

As we stood on the ramp, we noticed that there were a lot of fishing boats coming in all at once, which is very unusual this time of year. So we started watching a little more closely.

All of the fishermen were bagging their live fish and taking them over to a tent in the parking lot.  We walked over to see what was going on, and it was a bass fishing competition.

Under the tent, they had horse troughs full of blue water.  We assume that they were medicating the fish to help them survive the ordeal.  Each fisherman would hand over his fish to the official "fish weigher".  He would yell out the total number of live fish and the total weight of each fishermen's catch.  Most of the fishermen had five (the limit) live fish weighing somewhere around 16 pounds total. 

There were some really nice looking fish.  They would also weigh the largest fish individually for the fishermen if they requested it.

We've never really been into fishing, so this was something new for us, and pretty interesting.  By the time we went back to the parking lot, it was full of Ranger fishing boats.  

Havasu has something for everyone!  Whether you are into extreme sports, fishing, hiking, or just hanging out in great weather.  

Maybe next time well head out on the lake and watch the fishermen in action.

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