Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Exploring Puerto Penasco (Saturday, June 16th, 2017)

We love the beach, the RV Park and the seafood here in Puerto Penasco, so today we decided it would be fun to explore and see what else Puerto Penasco has to offer.

Our first stop was another RV Park to the east of the Malecon.  We wanted to see if there were other options to stay in our RV, and we found out that there definitely are.  The beach here is very nice as well, and it is closer to town.  It is quieter than our RV Park on Sandy Beach.

Next to the RV Park, they also have a hotel with a restaurant and recreation area.  

Just like our RV Park, some of the residents have been there for awhile, and are pretty ingenious in their setup.  This one had a view deck, complete with a stereo system on the top.

These had built in patios.

Then we headed further east to an area called Las Conchas.  It is a residential area built mainly for Americans, with some really nice homes. This one had a porch that I just loved.  I might have to try this.

We stopped and look at a house that was for sale.  It was a pretty good deal, and had a great view of the ocean with easy beach access.  Very tempting!

The view off their porch.
Eventually, we made it all the way out to the end of the Las Conchas peninsula.  It is beautiful out there, with the Sea of Cortez on one side and the estuary on the other.  There was a large condo out there, but it didn't look like it was very well maintained.  I think it would be a little scary to own a condo in there.  It was also crazy out on the point how much trouble they had keeping the sand out. It looked like it blew in over the "road" all the time.  I have road in quotes, because it is just a dirt road that they dug out of the sand in the first place.

Then, on our way back into town, we stopped at El Combo Fish Tacos for lunch.  Their fish and shrimp on the tacos are fried (I would prefer grilled), but they were still really good.

Once we entered the building, there was a little chuck wagon where we ordered and received our food.  The chuck wagon was the entire kitchen.  Kind of fun!

We didn't pay when we picked up our food.  We sat down and enjoyed it, then went to the register when we were done eating and told them what we had.  I love that they can run their business on  the honesty of their customers!

The tacos came plain, but there was a bar of toppings, including the pico-de-gallo, cabbage, guacamole, hot sauces, etc.  Of course, I turned mine into a salad by adding all the veggies!

We got there at just the right time.  As we sat down to eat, the place filled up quickly.  We were glad we got there when we did!

Then back to Rodeo Drive to pick up some decorating items that Joyce wanted.  They had so many pretty things there, that we were happy to go back.  I'll have to visit it again next time were down there, just to see what's new.

When we got back to camp, we all enjoyed a nice cool swim before deciding on dinner.  Tony and Joyce decided to just cook some dinner at camp and get rid of some of the food they brought with them, but Steve and I hadn't had our fill of great Puerto Penasco food yet, so we decided to walk down to the beach restaurant at the Playa Bonita Hotel.  

Steve had some carne asada quesadillas, and I had the seven seas soup, loaded with seafood.  

The restaurant was also being used for a wedding that night, so we got to watch some of the festivities.  It was a really fun way to spend our last night here!

It was the beginning of a new life for this beautiful couple, but the end of another great adventure for us.  We already can't wait until next time!

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