Monday, June 19, 2017

Rodeo Drive and Vidanta Golf Resort (Thursday, June 14th, 2017)

I love to have easy meals when we are in the motor home, so this time I made breakfast burritos before we left home, and we just heat them up on our little propane grill.  They are super easy, and such a tasty breakfast!

But this morning as we were having our breakfast and watching the waves, we noticed that there was a boat on fire out by the harbor. We couldn't see any people on it, so we're hoping they all made it safely to shore.

 It burned for about 1/2 an hour, with the black smoke billowing out of it, and from across the bay, we could see flames the entire time.

Eventually the bombadero boat came out from the harbor and started spraying water on it.  The heavy smake immediately turned white.  

The bombadero boat eventually towed the burned boat back to the harbor.

One of the things we enjoy about the beaches in Puerto Penaso is how clean the beaches always are.  We have never seen any cleaning crews, but they are always so clean.  Today, after the burned boat was towed away, we saw our first beach cleaners come through.  One man on foot with a trash spear, picked up all of the larger debris, followed by this machine, grating the sand and picking up the smaller trash.

Once we finished our breakfast and relaxation by the shore, we headed down to a shopping district that they call Rodeo Drive.  It is an area where the shops are a little more upscale that those on the Malecon, and they have all kinds of fun decorating items.

We parked along the street, and as we headed to the shops, we noticed these whale bones on display.  It was a pretty neat exhibit.

Then we just enjoyed strolling through the shops on Rodeo Drive.

They have so many great decorating items.  They bring in most of the items from other areas, but in this case, they made everything right there in sight.

These women had large metal shears that they were using to cut pieces of steel.  They would then form them into these flowers.

One of the stores had these sand dollars.  They were unlike any sand dollars that we have ever seen before.  They were darker in color and about 9 inches across.

When we finished looking around Rodeo Drive, we headed back to camp to pack up our golfing gear. Tony was nice enough to buy a rack for the back of his jeep so that we could haul 4 people and 4 sets of clubs.

It's getting warm in Puerto Penasco, so before we left for the course, we all had to take a quick dip to cool off. Steve got so comfortable that his shoes floated right off his feet.

The beach is gorgeous today, so we are really enjoying it!

Once we were cooled off, we were off to the golf course for our 2:30 tee time.  Leaving town, you take the highway, but just like in town, when we got off on the side street, it was dirt.  All the way in to the golf course.

The Vidanta course is right on the ocean, in fact it sits between the Sea of Cortez and the estuary.  It is a very long, difficult course, but it is gorgeous.

The restrooms out on the course are gorgeous and air conditioned.  So much nicer than at our course in Havasu.

This is everyone looking on in awe as Tony tees off.  This hole was 544 yards, and completely blind.  It was crazy!

I think this was the point in the course where steve looked at me with a look of disbelief saying......I really don't even know where I am heading.  I guess I will just try an follow the fairway!!!

I've nicknamed Vindata, "Pebble Beach of Mexico".  It is probably the nicest course we will ever play.  It was incredible!

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