Saturday, December 12, 2015

Lake Havasu City - Boating in December (Monday, December 7th, 2015)

We hit the gym first thing this morning, and then came home for a conference call for my work.  It only lasted about a half hour, so the rest of our day was free to play as nothing else needed to be done work wise.

The weather in Lake Havasu City this December has been perfect! We have had daytime highs in the high 70's and low 80's and very little wind, which you just can't beat this time of year. 

While we were at our friend Alan and Linda's house last night, he was telling us that he needed to take one of his boats out today to run some additive through the fuel system, so we decided that would be a really fun outing.  Even though the daytime temperatures are very warm, it still gets cold when you are out on the water with the wind in your face, so we got dressed in our nice warm clothes, packed a cooler, hooked up the boat and headed to the boat ramp to meet our friends.  

As we pulled up the to cross street where our paths come together, there they were right on time.  We don't usually time it that well, but we'll take it.  We both got our boats unloaded and headed out onto the lake for a day of fun!

We bundled up and drove quickly from the boat ramp to the channel, which is a no-wake zone.

Once we were in the channel, we slowed down and enjoyed the ride and the warmth of the day.

Alan and Linda pulling into the channel right in front of us

A paddle board and an outrigger canoe in the channel

Kayaks paddling through the channel

Steve's parents just enjoying the ride

The London Bridge

Once we got through the channel, we headed out into the lake.

Alan and Linda heading down the lake to Copper Canyon

Pulling in to Copper Canyon

You can see how it got it's name!

Alan and Linda surrounded by ducks!  See the smile on their faces?

We moved Steve's day to Alan's boat for a ride back to the channel
One the way back to the channel Captain Grandma took over driving!

OK, she might have had a little help
Then we enjoyed a little time in the warmth of the channel before loading the boats and heading home.

Boating in doesn't get much better then that!!!!!

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