Saturday, December 12, 2015

Business Minor Graduation (Friday, December 11th, 2015)

Our oldest daughter will be graduating in a week from the University of Colorado Boulder.  She has majored in Engineering, but during her sophomore year she added a Business Minor, that she thought would be a huge asset to her......we totally agreed! 

As the final class in the Business Minor, the students have to complete a capstone project, where they, in teams of 5, create a start-up company.  During the last few weeks of the term, the teams presented their companies for a grade, then the top company from each class was chosen to compete in front of a panel of judges.

Since the Business Minor is such a rigorous curriculum, they hold their own graduation, in conjunction with the capstone project competition.  Our daughter's team was one of the top three, and therefore was invited to compete in the capstone competition.  

Our daughter's team of five along with their professor (left) and coach (right)
The winner of the competition would be announced at graduation.

Our daughter has been an Ambassador for the Business Minor program since it's inception, and in her junior and senior years was the President of the Business Minor Ambassadors.  As part of the graduation ceremony, she was awarded a plaque for her time and dedication to this program.  As an added touch, it was signed by all of the Business Minor Ambassadors.

Then came the announcement of the winner of the capstone competition.  Our daughter's team came in second, with each team member receiving $200 cash price.  We were very proud of all of them.  They put a lot of extra time and energy into this project.  

We were so proud to watch our daughter walk across the stage and receive her Business Minor cord that she will wear with her cap and gown at the school wide graduation next week.

The post president and current president of the Business Minor Ambassadors

Wearing her cord that she will add to her graduation regalia

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