Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Baby It's Cold Outside (Tuesday, December 15th, 2015)

Our son-in-law came home yesterday from his training in Georgia. It is SO good to see him, and we are so excited to have him home for Christmas and New Years!  He looks very happy and oh my does he look fit!!!  We can tell he has been working really hard on his physical training in addition to everything else.  And we're all super glad that he made it home before this storm came in last night! 

It's snowing today, and it's beautiful, but this is what we were hoping to get away from with our retirement traveling; summers in beautiful Colorado, winters anywhere beautiful and warm.  

I think that Steve would agree with me.  This is truly gorgeous, but I could enjoy the beauty of it just as much in pictures, and then I wouldn't have to drive in it or shovel it.

Steve blew the snow off the driveway this morning before he headed to jury duty because there was a lot! He was not happy to have to go out in the storm as one of the thing he has been looking very forward to is snuggling in while everyone else has to go out and fight the weather as they go to work.  He has been doing that for more than 30-years and is a bit obsessed with not letting the weather dictate his work plans.  This hasn't always worked out very well for him as we all know that mother Nature wins those battles every time!

Our son-in-law and I shoveled again at 9:00 because it's getting deep again.

I shoveled again at 11:00 because it's getting even deeper.

Oh, and now shoveling again at 2:00.  It's finally letting up, so maybe this is it.  

Where are those beautiful beaches I envisioned in my mind?  Is this really what we signed up for?

Yes, it is, because we have so many wonderful plans in the next two weeks and we're so excited to share them as they happen!

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