Saturday, December 26, 2015

Crafting and Cooking (Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015)

This is my favorite kind of night!  All of the kids are here, and we are spending the night crafting and cooking.  They have been so creative this year, hand crafting many of their Christmas presents for family members. 

Our oldest has hand wrapped all of her gifts in brown paper, hand decorated for each person and tied up with bows.  

and our youngest daughter and her boyfriend are making a great gift for his mom.  He has played hockey his whole life, and his family is Very into hockey, so they are making his mom a Christmas wreath out of hockey pucks.  Such a clever gift!  Our youngest daughter ordered a dozen hockey pucks on-line, and bought a card-board backing, ribbon and stickers. 

The hockey puck wreath is coming together nicely

A little more customization and it will be complete
When the crafting was done, we all pitched in to work on dinner. We are trying to fatten both of the boys up, they just can't seem to keep any weight on, so tonight it is a big, yummy steak dinner.  

All the chefs hard at work

Chef Steve is hard at work at the grill

And dinner is ready!

Did our son (in-law) forget his brussel sprouts?

And then an evening of funny family tricks in the family room.

It's hard to beat a quiet night of silliness.  As they move on in life, I will miss this.  So now I will just enjoy the simple pleasure of each moment that I have with them.

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