Saturday, December 12, 2015

Lake Havasu City - Bridge Water Channel and Sunsets (Wednesday, December 2nd, 2015)

Both nights in Havasu so far we have had the most beautiful sunsets. It is one of our favorite things about being down here. At home we really don’t ever have good sunsets, probably because we are so close to the mountains. They block the view that would create the sunset.

Here are a few pictures of last night sunset.  We set up our evening appetizers in the yard so we could sit and enjoy it.

Setting up appetizers for the sunset viewing

Enjoying a beautiful sunset, Havasu style

We got a call from our friends Alan and Linda this morning, and they were going down to the boat ramp to test out some propellers on one of their boats, so we decided to head down and see them. They had their little white boat out, and were running it for speed with different props.  It is a beautiful boat that they have put a lot of work into.  Steve calls it the surf-board with a jet engine on it!

A picture for the boys

A picture for the girls
Making a minor adjustment

When we left the boat ramp, we took a walk through the channel and enjoyed the sights and the gorgeous weather. The English Village along the channel and the London Bridge are all decorated for Christmas, making it really fun to see.  

The Lake Havasu Outrigger Club out practicing

As we were leaving the channel, we noticed that a nice sunset was starting to form, so we decided to head over to the boat ramp at Windsor Beach and watch.  

As we were walking onto the beach, we saw the most interesting seeds laying in the sand.  We couldn't figure out what they were, so we decided we'd have to do a little research on them.

They turned out to be the seeds of the screw bean mesquite tree. They fall to the ground, and then screw themselves into the sand.  Kind of a fun find while we were waiting for the sun set!

It started out slowly, but did not leave us disappointed!

After catching our breath, we headed back home for the night, but such a relaxing night wouldn't be complete without a night time look at the London Bridge all decked out for Christmas!

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