Saturday, December 12, 2015

Lake Havasu City - Yoga and Desert Hike (Saturday, December 5th, 2015)

We all got up this morning and did some living room yoga before we started our day. It was just a nice stretchy YouTube yoga that we enjoy a lot, and Steve’s parents joined us. 

After yoga, the four of us went for a walk around the neighborhood, and the weather was turning out so pretty that we decided it would be nice to take a hike in the desert. 

When Steve and I were here in September we found a few places north of Havasu in Desert Hills that we thought would be fun to further explore, so we headed out to the first one which is called Castle Rock. It is a large castle shaped rock that you can walk around, and end up down by the river. We thought it was going to be more of a hike than it really was, but when we got down to the water, there was a really nice Canadian man and his dog playing in the water. Ok, the man wasn’t in the water, just his dog was. But we enjoyed talking to him. He was from a town called Barrie, Ontario which is north of Toronto, on the shore of Lake Simcoe, above Lake Erie. He says it is extremely cold there in the winter, so he is very happy to be here in Lake Havasu. 

 After we chatted for awhile, we left Castle Rock and headed a little further in to Desert Hills, and up on to the cliffs overlooking the marshes along the river. Three are 4,000 acres of marshes north of the lake on the river. It is really beautiful up there, but as we got out on the cliffs the wind came up really strong. It made our little hike a little bit more challenging, but it was still pretty warm. 

When we finally got tired of the wind we jumped back in the truck and headed back toward town. We stopped again at the wildlife preserve and walked around for a few minutes and then headed back to the house. 

This cute little guy was hiding from the wind at the wildlife preserve
It was such a nice day with a high of 82 degrees and lots of clear blue sky!  

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