Saturday, June 23, 2018

A Leisurely Day in Puerto Penasco (Tuesday, June 19th, 2018)

Today is our day of leisure. No golf planned, so we’ll just play it one moment at a time.  We started out with orange cinnamon rolls at breakfast time, compliments of Mary.  Oh my, so good.

And watched the beach cleaner go by as we ate.  The beach here is cleaned every day.  They pick up all the trash and most of the seaweed.

We watched the parasails, the banana boats and the ultra lights go by.  There is plenty to do here.

Jerry got his RC car out this morning and ran it around in the sand. He broke it pretty quickly on the rocks, but soon had it fixed and running again. Larry put Sadie out in the sand to chase it, and Sadie thought that was a fun game for a few minutes, but once she got tired the car started chasing her and she didn’t think that was so funny. 

Most of the group eventually went to town for some shopping, but Steve and I stayed behind for a beach day.

We found a small live sand dollar.  They aren't very common here.

And these strange, jelly plants.  We're not sure what they were, but they would sway in the waves as they came in and out.

And we had a ton of fun with this crab.  Steve was determined to catch it for dinner, and it was determined to not be caught.

Steve never did catch it, but he sure had a good time trying.  We wouldn't have really eaten it, it was just fun to see if we could get it.

The beach was so nice and quiet!  We almost had it all to ourselves.

As we were walking back to camp, we found this little crab struggling on it's back in the sand, so we picked it up and returned it to the water.  

At first it just floated, but soon it started releasing air and sank to the bottom and dug itself in.

We got back to camp at about the same time that everyone else was getting back. They had been to Rodeo Drive, it is a section of town about two blocks long with all kinds of little shops, everything indoor or outdoor that you can think of. They had a very successful shopping trip and brought back so much fun stuff. Some of them even had some additional work commissioned that they will pick up on Thursday.

We were all hot and tired, so we went for a swim, then cleaned up and went to Puesta Del Sol for Dinner. It's hard not to go to Puesta Del Sol because it is just so handy! 

Our view from dinner.

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